Create an empty text document name "input. txt" and copy the example contents from below: 5 105 15 20 35 47 The first value in the file tells you how many ints (the type must be int!) are in the file. The rest of the values are the ints you want to store. Create a program that reads in the first value, always an int, that tells you how many values are in the file. Then, create an array to store all of those values. After you've read in the values display them to the screen in the following format: Contents of input. txt: [105, 15, 20, 35, 47] Input a value to search for: The search prompt obtains a value from the user and confirms whether or not it is in the array. Example: Contents of input. txt: [105, 15, 20, 35, 47] Input a value to search for: 5 5 is not in the array. Do you wish to quit (y/n) : n Input a value to search for: 105 105 is in the array. Do you wish to quit (y/n) : y