Write a method minToFront that takes an ArrayList of integers as a parameter and that moves the minimum value in the list to the front, otherwise preserving the order of the elements. For example, if a variable called list stores the following values: {3, 8, 92, 4, 2, 17, 9} and you make this call: minToFront (list); it should store the following values after the call: {2, 3, 8, 92, 4, 17, 9} You may assume that the list stores at least one value.
From the Software Engineering Code of Ethics, which clauses relate to intellectual property (check all that apply)
A) "Identify, document, collect evidence and report to the client or the employer promptly if, in their opinion, a project is likely to fail, to prove too expensive, to violate intellectual property law, or otherwise to be problematic."
B) "Ensure that there is a fair agreement concerning ownership of any software, processes, research, writing, or other intellectual property to which a software engineer has contributed."
C) "Not knowingly use software that is obtained or retained either illegally or unethically."
D) "Disclose to all concerned parties those conflicts of interest that cannot reasonably be avoided or escaped."